Ministries - Chapel of Praise, Eureka Montana

Our Ministries

Welcome to the Chapel of Praise Ministry Area

Everything in life revolves around relationships. The most important is the relationship we have with our Heavenly Father through His Son. One of the Missions of our church is to lead people into a growing relationship with God through the love of Jesus Christ.

General Ministry

  • Adult Sunday School


    Joe Forrest


    Our Adult Sunday School class meets every week, at 9:00 a.m., at the church in Classroom 3. The curriculum is ongoing, so every week is the perfect time to start attending. Grab your Bible and get ready for a deep, thoughtful study and discussion about God, Scripture, and Christianity. We look forward to seeing you there!
  • Children’s Church


    Stephanie McDuffie


    The Children’s Church program is for children between 6 and 12. It occurs during the Sunday Morning Service. Children remain with their families until the end of worship, and then they are released to Children’s Church.
  • Home Groups


    Will James


    At Home Groups, we aim to grow together in Him as we try to better understand and put into practice the Word we hear spoken from the pulpit each Sunday. Meeting regularly with others allows us to reinforce the core of what we believe, learn more, encourage each other and live out what we have learned. Currently, we have two home groups meeting weekly. As more people are interested, we have the potential to grow more groups.
  • Prayer Group


    Varies per Session


    Sunday Morning prayer meets at 9:00 a.m. in the Upper Room above the Sanctuary. Wednesday Night Prayer meets in the Sanctuary at 6:30 p.m.

Men’s Ministry

  • Men’s Huddle Teams


    Varies per Session


    Huddle Teams are small groups of men that meet weekly to share their lives and their faith. New teams are always being considered. Group discussions are topically structured but always include times of prayer, bonding and encouragement.
  • Men’s Reality


    Joe Forest


    Men's Reality is a fellowship group for men of all ages. At Reality, guys can meet to talk, laugh, lift each other up, and grow together in brotherhood and in their walk with Christ. Men's Reality meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month at the church, and breakfast is always provided.

Women’s Ministry

  • Secret Sisters


    Tracey Rempel


    Secret Sisters is a fun and engaging group, full of surprises! Once a year, the program pairs up ladies to be "sisters," who then encourage, gift and serve each other, secretly!
  • Ladies’ Book Studies


    Varies per Session


    Throughout the year, we offer group studies based on Christian books and devotionals. The schedule is determined by those attending.